
Shuei Trading Co

Shuei Trading Co

求人 1
Shuei Trading Co

Shuei Trading Co

20 - 99 người
Hà Nội


Shuei Trading Co.
Finder of beauty spices from the world
Trend setter in beauty buisiness
Shuei Trading Co. was founded in 1981 as an importing accessory and general merchandise company in Tokyo. Now it has offices world wide. Shuei Trading finds new cosmetic brands and latest innovative merchandise from all over the world introducing them to people in Asia.

To be the supporter of "Beauty", we always search for the products from personal care till relaxation to present latest beauty items including supplement.

Shuei Trading, a well-known cosmetics importer to world beauty market, always challenges to discover unique products and introduce them to consumers and business customers in Asia.

Finally by utilizing and mixing the sales channel like Internet, TV, Paper-based medias, and cosmetic stores. Shuei Trading will keep its rapid movement in the business and continue to grow in this fast paced industry.


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  Shuei Trading Co は下記の求人で採用中です:

  20-60 百万 VND


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