
 ホーム  /  カントー /  営業/ビジネス /  営業責任者(MTチャネル) @ カントー - Chiến Lược Nhân Sự

営業責任者(MTチャネル) @ カントー - Chiến Lược Nhân Sự

9,000,000 - 15,000,000 VND



  • 募集人数:
    1 人
  • 学位:
  •  職歴:
    から 1 まで 5 年
  • 性別:
  •  レベル:



HR Strategy のクライアント (Headhunter) は、食品部門の企業です。販売責任者(MTチャネル)候補募集中

- 勤務地: 西
・担当チャンネル:MT(Modern Trade)


- 既存のビジネス関係を維持し、食品ビジネス、特に冷凍食品で新しい関係を拡大する
- 毎週および毎月の活動の計画、KPI の実装
- 製品、類似製品、競合他社製品の機能、パッケージ、価格、長所と短所を学び、理解する
- 顧客連絡プロセス、情報苦情処理プロセス、顧客情報の受領および決済プロセスを理解し、これらのプロセスの形式に従って完全に記録する
- 顧客と連絡を取り、日中の顧客との連絡内容をチームリーダー/営業部門に報告する
- 予定されたスケジュールに従った顧客対応と販売
- 上司から割り当てられたタスクを実行する


- 大卒以上で経営学、経済学、マーケティングまたは関連する専攻を専攻している
- コンビニエンス ストア チェーン、スーパーマーケットなどの MT チャネルでの食品販売、できれば冷凍食品の 1 年以上の経験。
- 得意な能力: オフィスのコンピューター、コミュニケーション (ベトナム語と英語)、交渉
- 熱狂的で、繊細で、独立した思考


- 給与: – 100 万 + コミッションの割合 (候補者のキャパシティに応じて)
- その他の特典については面接時に説明します

あなたまたはあなたの愛する人が興味を持っている場合は、履歴書を電子メール アドレス: または CallZaloViber: Trung に送信して、詳細を確認してください。
Established in 2011, HR Strategy’s first step was in Training Service. However, at the moment, 80% of our revenue comes from Executive Search & Selection Service. Over 9 years of continuous improvement, thanks to the customer’s trust & love, we have firmly built the brand ‘HR Strategy’ broadly. Nowadays, HR Strategy is listed as a headhunting company with the recruitment postings of salary ranging from $2,000 to $12,000. We are proud of our ability of having CRM to help clients, candidates as we have collected a large data of Vietnamese & expat candidates. Our clients are both local and international organizations in Vietnam and overseas from various fields such as Real Estate, Hospitality, Finance & Investment, Banking, Media Agency, TVC, FMCG, Retail, Manufacturing, Logistics, and Agriculture… Our Slogan: People Capability First, Profit Will Follow Our Vision: Become the leading company in providing HR Services and a reliable address for all valued customers Our Mission: Plan your dream & create added value for your life Our Core Value: Passion, Responsibility, Integrity, Trust, Learning, Sharing, Love & Solidarity HR STRATEGY’s CORE CULTURE VALUE: 1. We are passionate, enthusiastic and proud to be a part of HR Strategy 2. We always up for the challenges with the highest responsibility and dedication 3. Together We give & build trust in our boss, colleagues, clients and candidates 4. My integrity is showed through my honesty, humility and sincerity. I am highly appreciate each relationship and live with gratitude. 5. With an aim of constantly self- development, I eager to learn and build good habits every day 6. We share to promote values, create happiness for me and others. 7. We give love and work with the spirit of “Serve to lead” and “Span the globe” 8. We believe that “Union creates strength” with a great pride on HR Strategy’s culture. [Vietnamese] Established in , HR Strategy’s first step was in Training Service However, at the moment, % of our revenue comes from Executive Search & Selection Service Over years of continuous improvement, thanks to the customer’s trust & love, we have firmly built the brand ‘HR Strategy’ broadly Nowadays, HR Strategy is listed as a headhunting company with the recruitment postings of salary ranging from $, to $, We are proud of our ability of having CRM to help clients, candidates as we have collected a large data of Vietnamese & expat candidates Our clients are both local and international organizations in Vietnam and overseas from various fields such as Real Estate, Hospitality, Finance & Investment, Banking, Media Agency, TVC, FMCG, Retail, Manufacturing, Logistics, and Agriculture… Our Slogan: People Capability First, Profit Will Follow Our Vision: Become the leading company in providing HR Services and a reliable address for all valued customers Our Mission: Plan your dream & create added value for your life Our Core Value: Passion, Responsibility, Integrity, Trust, Learning, Sharing, Love & Solidarity HR STRATEGY’s CORE CULTURE VALUE: 1. We are passionate, enthusiastic and proud to be a part of HR Strategy 2. We always up for the challenges with the highest responsibility and dedication 3. Together We give & build trust in our boss, colleagues, clients and candidates 4. My integrity is showed through my honesty, humility and sincerity. I am highly appreciate each relationship and live with gratitude. 5. With an aim of constantly self- development, I eager to learn and build good habits every day 6. We share to promote values, create happiness for me and others. 7. We give love and work with the spirit of “Serve to lead” and “Span the globe” 8. We believe that “Union creates strength” with a great pride on HR Strategy’s culture.
  8-12 百万 VND
  7-25 百万 VND
  10-20 百万 VND
  8-15 百万 VND
  5-10 百万 VND