
採用 ヨーロッパのキッチンスタッフ @ ホーチミン市 - Barbaard

8,000,000 - 12,000,000 VND



  • 募集人数:
    1 人
  • 学位:
  •  職歴:
    から 1 まで 2 年
  • 性別:
  •  レベル:


● 準備から仕上げまでの完全なキッチン アクティビティ
● レシピの基準を守り、メニュー開発を支援する
● 食器洗いを含め、作業エリアを清潔に保つ
● すべての食品が優れた品質であり、タイムリーに提供されるようにする
● フィードバックを得て、必要に応じて改善します
● シェフと連携して商品を数え、注文し、レシートを受け取る
● 安全性と HACCP 基準の施行
We proudly present House of Barbaard, Hanoi and Saigon’s first traditional Gentleman’s barbershop with bar area and a retail store bringing you a large selection of men’s cosmetics, fashion and accessories. Our barber team speaks your language and has been accredited by our international academy led by European professionals. All barbershop visits include a selection of drinks, finger foods, consultation & shampoos to ensure an outstanding experience. [Vietnamese] We proudly present House of Barbaard, Hanoi and Saigon’s first traditional Gentleman’s barbershop with bar area and a retail store bringing you a large selection of men’s cosmetics, fashion and accessories. Our barber team speaks your language and has been accredited by our international academy led by European professionals. All barbershop visits include a selection of drinks, finger foods, consultation & shampoos to ensure an outstanding experience.