
Regalo International LLC

Regalo International LLC

求人 2
Regalo International LLC

Regalo International LLC

10 - 19 người


Company profile: Regalo Baby is a family-owned company that knows the importance of having trust in the products you purchase for your children. Safety, quality, and affordability are at the forefront of every conversation. We only create products that we see value in and happily purchase for our own children! For years Regalo has been known as a leader in the juvenile industry, designing and manufacturing products such as bed rails, safety gates, portable toddler beds, booster seats and chairs.
詳細ページ Company profile: Regalo Baby is a family-owned company that knows the importance of having trust in the products you purchase for your children. Safety, quality, and affordability are at the forefront of every conversation. We only create products that we see value in and happily purchase for our own children! For years Regalo has been known as a leader in the juvenile industry, designing and manufacturing products such as bed rails, safety gates, portable toddler beds, booster seats and chairs.


Thao Nguyen
District 7 Ho Chi Minh City VN . 地図を見る


  Regalo International LLC は下記の求人で採用中です:

  10.5-20.5 百万 VND
  10-20 百万 VND


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