- Follow-up of existing customers 80% (mainly in charge of Japanese customers)
- New customer development 20% (consultant for non-Japanese accounts)
- Manage members
There are basically no business trips, but if the situation in Corona settles down, there is a possibility of business trips to the Philippines several times a year.
Overtime is about 10 to 20 hours a month
- 既存顧客のフォローアップ8割(主に日系顧客を担当)、新規顧客開拓2割(日系以外のアカウントの相談役)
- 出張は基本的にはないが、コロナの状況が落ち着けば年に数回フィリピンへの出張の可能性あり
- 残業は月に10時~20時間程度
- Gender: Male/Female
- Education level: Any
- Language: Basic English(TOEIC 500 level)
- Nationality: Japanese
- BtoB sales experience(Over 2 years)
- Can join 2 months training in factory
- 日本人(日系顧客が中心のため)
- B to Bの営業経験2年以上
- PCスキル(Word/Excel)、基本操作が出来る方
Working condition: Mon-Fri : 8H00-17H00
- Has company car from HCM
- Has business trip to other country
- Bonus month
- 福利厚生: 社員旅行、運動会、忘年会、女性の日、
- 休日: 年118日
:~: 休憩分昼休憩を含む
- 賞与: 1.0-2.0ヶ月
- 昇給: 年1回
- 各種保険: 24時間労災保険(通勤以外の事故に対応)